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Happy Thanksgiving!
First of all I want to give a huge, huge shout out to the Cannafam and community. All the advocates, affiliates, and influencers who pulled through on this, we owe you big time!
Let’s give a special round of applause for the contributors, in order of appearance:
I’m so grateful and blessed to have found this space full of like-minded people. What better way to showcase what Cannacommunity is all about?
We are here to break the stigma and bring more awareness to our community. This community is not lazy or addicts. We’re the opposite. We’re parents and employees. Some are entrepreneurs and others work three or four jobs.
We have families, lives, goals, and so much that we live for each day. At the end of the day, we’re all human and we’re here to help others understand that while flower may not be for everyone, that doesn’t mean we don’t deserve to be at the table with the rest of y’all.
View the full Instagram Stoner collab here.
Happy Thanksgiving. Smoke and touch that grass and go feast! If you’d like to see the full video, check out the Thanksgiving post on the High Vibes Healthy Lives blog.
PS: Who says gardeners aren’t friendly, wholesome people? Again, a big thank you to all who participated!
PPS: Visit the Exclusive Discounts page to view our partnerships and their special deals for our viewership.